Fur, feathers, flowers and other things...
Painting is something I came to later in life. As a nature illustrator, I found the thought of creating something larger than a page in a book more stressful than the thought of a world without chocolate or single malt whiskey. However, under the guidance of a patient mentor I took a leap of faith with oil paints and have yet to look back. As I grew more comfortable with a paintbrush, each canvass became an opportunity to explore the combination of colour and light...two elements in nature that change constantly.
Every painting is an adventure for me. I love trying to find the essence of the subject, whether its a flower in full bloom, someone's beloved pet, some magnificent creature or an old vehicle well beyond its prime. What fascinates me is how we can all look at the same subject and see something so entirely different. My wish is for people who look at my work to feel inspired to look more closely at the world around them. I think we all find a sense of peace in the simple things...for me, it's the random bursts of colour in nature, the personality of an old pick-up truck or perhaps things we wouldn't normally look at twice. When painting other creatures, it's all about the eyes. My passion is to try and capture the moment when you stand still long enough to see one bright spot in the blur of life...